A glance of nature in masterpieces

How did you get started?
I started photographing wildlife when I was 21 years old in the pristine and world´s natural wonders of the Galapagos Islands. I was fortunate enough on the Christmas of 2009 when my Dad gave me the Nikon D3000 as a present before heading to the enchanted islands.
I encourage you to give it a click on my Bio where this is detailed.
How did you learn what you know about photography?
Well, most of my progress have been very empirical. I have very good friends who shares with me the same passion and our feedbacks help us to improve our final outcomes.
What is the best camera if you are on a budget?
It will depend on your target and what would you normally do.
For example, if are traveling around as a backpacker a compact camera like the canon G7X mark II or a Sony Alpha A6300 mirrorless camera would work very good.
There is an important reason for using these cameras. If you are a traveler/backpacker like me and you enjoy being in tropical developing countries, where insecurity rates are much higher, having a smaller and easy to pack high-quality camera will bust your experience.
Having a DX or FX DSLR camera, however, will provide better ISO range and high-quality images too but, prices on lenses can be out of your pocket and flights become expensive if you bring all these gear with you.
In the end, the questions rely on what´s your purpose and how long are you thinking in having the camera.
What´s your equipment?
I´m a Nikon user as my main equipment.
My camera is a Nikon D7100 Dx
Nikon lenses: 50mm f1.8 and 18-150mm f3.5-5.6
Sigma: 150-600m, f6.3
Tokina: 11-16 f2.8 Super wide-angle
Nikon SB-700 Speedlight
Lumiquest Speedlight Diffuser
For underwater photography:
Canon G7X
Meikon underwater case
Archon Torch 40wr with an underwater metallic frame
Vanguard pistol Alta Pro AT263
Vanguard Endeavour 8x42
How do you carry and travel with your gear?
Well, this depends on the target and objective of the photoshoot. It's very important for you to weight and measure your equipment, airlines can be very stubborn. I try to avoid sending the gear to the airplane baggage area, therefore I bought a camera bag big enough to carry most of my gear.
What is the biggest mistake you see that newbies will make?
Thinking that photography is just a matter of a click.
But, what I like the most is their enthusiasm.
What is your favorite place that you've traveled to?
This is a very difficult question to answer.
Every single place or corner, even though, around or close to your home can be full of favorite places. Photography is the expression of the unexpected and that´s exactly what you are looking for in nature.
As a good Ecuadorian, I choose the Yasuni National Park.
However, I was very impressed of Sri Lanka. It´s culture, food and wildlife were very rewarding.
Do you offer any workshops?
Yes, workshops are one the main ways for inspiring people to become nature lover
Do you sell prints?
Yes, prints are one of the main income and support for most of these projects.
Can I assist or intern with you?
Yes, this is a very important part in the development of photographic projects. However, this will depend on the availbility of resources and current state of projects.
Were you able to volunteer?
Yes. It's always a pleasure having enthusiastic volunteers that will contribute to positive changes in any kind of projects. Changes are always needed and visionary perspective is very much appreciated.